EPISODE 146: Bellwether Liberty Spy Hard Cider

Who was there? Bryan, Kate, Jen, Chris, Tim and Joe What happened on the podcast: Everyone is in a meat coma after eating giant steaks. Joe is double fisting beer and cider. Brian explains what a honey hop is. About the wine … ahem, cider This is actually a […]
EPISODE 145: Baldo’s Red 2010 Syrah

This is a home made Syrah sourced from California grapes from Chris’s coworker. So, unless you know Baldo, you’re not getting any. About the wine Nose: light, brown fruit Flavor: fizzy … but a rich mouthfeel and red fruit. A slight licorice flavor with a light, soft finish. All […]
EPISODE 144: Lieb Cellars Bridge Lane Rosé

Chris and Jen start making plans to visit Long Island. Chris finds it necessary to tell us that this rose is not white zinfandel. Jen is really excited that this rose is 100% Cabernet Franc. Other topics of discussion: William Shatner, voices on tape, childhood discipline, what that spoon […]
EPISODE 139: Mt. Hope El Puerto del Dragon

Who Was There: Bryan, Kate, Chris, Jen, Tim, and Joe About the wine We were SO excited that Chris FINALLY let us have one of the dessert wines … but did we wait too long? Unfortunately, yes! This bottle of Mt. Hope El Puerto del Dragon is about […]
EPISODE 138: Bully Hill Special Reserve St. Croix
This is the episode where you find out how Kate became the Prince of Bel Air.
EPISODE 130: The Oktoberfest Episode

We celebrate Oktoberfest in the wrong month, with absolutely no German things … except das boot!
WINE 101: Wine Bottle Shapes

Wine bottles are interesting and beautiful. They come in many different shapes, sizes and colors. If you’ve had an evening indulging in different wines, you will notice that you have a collection of different shaped bottles. Why?
EPISODE 128: Bagg Dare’s The Original Poor Limp Richard’s Peculiar Blend No. 138

What happened on the show? Bryan speaks Spanish (badly; everyone follows up by speaking other languages, also badly) Bryan brings up the subject of “Poor limp Richard” and makes the Finger Lakes sound sketchy We talk about Three Brothers Winery, on Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes, NY We […]
WINE 101: Syrah vs. Petite Syrah. Know the difference!
Years ago, before I was the wine geek I am today, I was interviewing for a sales job at Southern Wine and Spirits. It seemed like a great job — after all, I love wine and I’m a good salesman. One of the interview questions was: “What is the difference […]
EPISODE 123: Be. Radiant Riesling

You know we get a little crazy when we try to do two podcasts in a row. This one was no exception. Cheers!